Private Wealth Management Insights

Do You Have an Employee Stock Purchase Plan? Then This Is for You.

A 401(k) match is additional money your employer adds to your 401(k) when you contribute a certain amount, up to a percentage of your salary. Some people refer to this as “free money”: you don’t have to anything to earn it other than contribute to your retirement plan. Another valuable source of this “free money” is an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). However, not many people use it. In fact, while many mid and large-size companies offer an ESPP, less than 50% of those eligible employees actually participate.

5 Tips for HENRYs Looking to Optimize Their Next Dollar

Life pulls us in a million directions: careers, kids, houses, cars, taxes, vacation, income, weddings, retirement, groceries, side hustles, investments, aging parents, promotions, and job changes. Amidst it all, we try to make financially responsible decisions for ourselves and our families. We don’t want to compromise our lifestyle now, but we also can’t sacrifice building a plan for retirement. Ben Galloway, CFP® has put together an order of operations checklist related to what to do with your next dollar for HENRY's.

An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Guide to Tax, Estate, and Legacy Planning

Tax, estate, and legacy planning for the LGBTQ+ community can be complex, regardless of whether you decide marriage is right for you.  But with the right knowledge and guidance, you can navigate these challenges successfully.  By staying informed, working with experienced professionals, and proactively planning for your future, you can protect your assets, safeguard your loved ones, and ensure your wishes are respected. 
LGBTQ+ Couple

Should We Get Married? An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Comprehensive Guide to Legacy Planning

By understanding the nuances of proactive planning, you can safeguard your assets, ensure your wishes are respected, and ensure your future aligns with your values and relationships. 

Should We Get Married? An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Comprehensive Guide to Tax Planning

While filing jointly can bring significant financial advantages, it's a path that demands careful navigation. This post pulls back the curtain on the key tax benefits, potential pitfalls, and strategies LGBTQ+ couples should understand. From maximizing credits to mitigating marriage penalties, informed decision-making is the key to optimizing your financial future as a couple considering marriage.

Should We Get Married? An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Comprehensive Guide to Estate Planning

Twenty years ago, America’s first state-sanctioned same-sex marriage took place in Massachusetts. New research from the Rand organization suggests that the legalization of same-sex marriage has been broadly positive for gay and straight Americans alike. In fact, in states that legalized same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+ people showed higher levels of health insurance coverage, higher earnings, and greater rates of home ownership (WSJ). However, issues persist. There are still many situations, like adoption, second-parent adoption, and recognition of non-married partners, that require careful consideration and urgent attention. So, whether LGBTQ+ or not, married or not, it is imperative you prioritize your tax and estate planning so your wishes are met and executed.
Family at a cookout

Put Your Financial House in Order

Our money and financial life can become an unintended scavenger hunt with none of the fun prizes at the end. Performing a simple inventory of your money-life can provide a sense of clarity and peace of mind for yourself and the people who depend on you.
Multigenerational Family

A Busy Professional’s Guide to Financially Preparing to Care for Aging Parents

As our parents age, the responsibility of providing care often falls on the shoulders of their children. Caring for aging parents requires emotional support and careful financial planning. This can be challenging for those in the “sandwich” generation who are balancing caring for both their children and their parents, all while working.

Debunking the Myth: Why an Inverted Yield Curve Doesn’t Always Spell Recession

In the world of finance, few indicators strike fear into the hearts of investors quite like the dreaded inverted yield curve. It's often hailed as an ominous harbinger of economic downturns, sending shockwaves through markets and sparking widespread concern. But does an inverted yield curve truly signify an impending recession every time? Let's delve into this financial phenomenon and separate fact from fiction.