Taxes Insights

An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Guide to Tax, Estate, and Legacy Planning

Tax, estate, and legacy planning for the LGBTQ+ community can be complex, regardless of whether you decide marriage is right for you.  But with the right knowledge and guidance, you can navigate these challenges successfully.  By staying informed, working with experienced professionals, and proactively planning for your future, you can protect your assets, safeguard your loved ones, and ensure your wishes are respected. 

Should We Get Married? An LGBTQ+ Couple’s Comprehensive Guide to Tax Planning

While filing jointly can bring significant financial advantages, it's a path that demands careful navigation. This post pulls back the curtain on the key tax benefits, potential pitfalls, and strategies LGBTQ+ couples should understand. From maximizing credits to mitigating marriage penalties, informed decision-making is the key to optimizing your financial future as a couple considering marriage.

Tax Drag: Picking Up Nickles

“Picking up nickels in front of a steamroller” is an old saying in the investment world to describe a strategy that has small, positive, and fairly regular returns, with the occasional huge risk that can wipe you out. Tax planning around your investments gets half of the saying right, in that tax planning is like picking up nickels, which can generate small, positive, and fairly regular returns – if you do it right.

BREAKING: President Biden’s Student Loan Relief Plan

As you have probably heard, President Biden last week announced his long-awaited student loan relief plan, with the headline being $10,000 in student debt cancellation for certain borrowers.

IRS Extends 2020 Tax Filing Deadline to May 17th

On March 17th, the IRS announced they would be extending the 2020 tax filing deadline for individuals from April 15th to May 17th to accommodate the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Joe Biden’s Tax Proposal Would Impact High Net Worth and High Income Individuals

As we enter the last month of the general election, we thought it would be important to review Joe Biden’s tax proposal and the impact it would have on many of our clients. While there are many parts to his tax proposal that have been laid out, this blog will focus on some of the most impactful areas to individuals.

HSAs: The Holy Grail of Tax and Retirement Planning?

Just as the Holy Grail has become a legend, so has this financial solution, which offers you compelling tax advantages. A Health Savings Account (HSA) offers just that. And if you meet the qualifications to contribute to one, you can also be a beneficiary of one of the most powerful retirement planning solutions out there.

The Best States For Retirees

While clients think about how much income tax they’ll have to pay in retirement, we have found that the calculation is much deeper. First, as clients retire, their income typically drops substantially and moving to Florida or some other state with a low-income tax rate may not be worth the effort of moving.

The Top Three Things We Have Learned About The New Tax Law

For the last two months, our Private Client Group has been focused on year-end tax planning.  Our team has performed dozens of tax projections and has found several items about the new tax law that don’t seem to be getting much attention.