Plan Administration Insights

An Ironic Twist to 401k Fee Lawsuit Settlements

For those of you keeping score at home, the pace of 401k fee lawsuits is increasing. More and more large companies are being sued, and even higher education institutions and learning are in the crosshairs.

401k Advice? I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ 401k Advice!

Schwab Retirement Plan Services recently announced the results of a nationwide survey of 401k participants.

In-Plan Roth 401(k) Conversion- Is It Right For You?

A Roth IRA is a wonderful vehicle, especially if someone has already maxed out their other tax-advantaged accounts (e.g., 401K).  For those not eligible for a Roth IRA or those who can’t get enough Roth, there is a relatively new option.

The (k)larity Quotient®

Announcing the (k)larity Quotient®, a revolutionary new tool to help companies and retirement plan committees manage their corporate retirement plan.  We are describing it as the retirement industry’s first “fiduciary performance framework.”

What Makes A Good 401k Plan?

What makes a good 401k plan?  Last week I offered my perspective on the challenges I see with President Obama’s myRA retirement plan initiative.

myRA- Will Obama’s Plan Work?