Plan Administration Insights

Tax Strategies for Business Owners: Video

Discover tax strategies for your business with 5 ideas from our 401k advisors at Greenspring Advisors.

6 Common Administrative Tasks That Can Morph Into 401(k) Plan Headaches

Managing a 401(k) plan can leave even the most seasoned administrators feeling overwhelmed. With proper support, you can simplify the complex task of retirement plan management.

Plan Sponsor Newsletter: Talent Management and Total Rewards Edition

Talent management and total rewards are undergoing a transformation. But don’t worry, we've got you covered. Discover practical strategies that can give you an edge and unlock potential for better outcomes for your employees.
Happy multiracial gardeners having fun working in plants and flowers garden shop

SECURE Act Update: Long-Term, Part-Time Overview for 2024

Effective on January 1, 401(k) plans must allow employees who have worked more than 500 hours of service in three consecutive 12-month periods to contribute elective deferrals to the plan.
wooden judge on books on the desk

IRS Provides Two-Year Delay in Roth Catch-Up Requirements

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has granted a two-year delay in the Roth catch-up requirements. This decision brings relief to retirement plan participants and sponsors who were facing looming compliance deadlines. Let's delve into the details of this breaking news.
Mature insurance agent communicating with a couple during a meeting in the office.

SECURE Act 2.0: What 401(k) Managers Need to Know for 2024

SECURE Act 2.0 Long-term, part-time employees become eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan. Catch-up contributions are required to be Roth if the participant earns more than $145,000 in W-2 compensation.

Should You Add an Automatic Safe Harbor IRA to Your Plan?

High employee turnover could lead to a rise in small 401(k) accounts. Explore how adding a Safe Harbor IRA provision to your plan may help reduce plan costs and potential fiduciary risks.
Caucasian businessman with tablet in a meeting in conference room.

Investment Committee Checklist

There’s plenty to cover in a committee meeting so help formalize your plan’s foundation with this helpful checklist for an efficient and effective meeting.
Asian entrepreneurs working with documents during meeting

Why Plan Fiduciaries Need to Pay Careful Attention to Retirement Plan Fees

Competitive benchmarking is a way to measure and compare fees associated with running your retirement plan. Explore the most frequently asked questions about plan costs and benchmarking.