Investment Insights

The Market is Not the Economy

Why is it that stocks keep going up against a backdrop of horrible economic data? While I will never be able to answer the first two questions satisfactorily, we can look to facts to at least partially explain the last.

The Alphabet Soup of Economic Recoveries

There appears to be a bright spot forming in the coronavirus conversation; a light at the end of our lockdown tunnel. These conversations begin with how and when our homes, businesses, and communities can return to normal.

Silver Linings Playbook

The global pandemic has caused massive disruption in the financial, healthcare, and employment markets over the past several months. It seems you can’t go more than a few hours without hearing about all the damage this virus is causing. Here are some of the possible opportunities, or “silver linings,” we see in our little corner of the world.

Preparing in the Wake of a Pandemic

Some of you might be feeling anxious and uncertain because of the Coronavirus and its potential impact on the stock market. It is normal to feel this way. Unfortunately, this type of market decline is not unusual. Historically, there is a 10% market decline every 18 months. And nearly half of those declines turn into a 20% loss (about once every 3.5 years, believe it or not). However, there is a bright side.

Fee-Free is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be

To many casual market followers, the announcement from Charles Schwab (followed by TD Ameritrade a few hours later) to eliminate commissions for online Equity and ETF trades seems like, on the surface, a victory for the average investor. The fee-free paradigm shift has begun, and some are ready to declare victory for everyday investors.

Poker and Investing- Playing The Odds

Any good poker player will tell you that luck can influence one hand, but given enough time, the player with skill will beat a lucky player almost every time. The same concept applies to investing.

Would You Take Investment Advice From Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled?

Bitcoin mania reached a new low with an SEC settlement against Floyd Mayweather, Jr., and DJ Khaled for improperly promoting investments in initial coin offerings. Almost one year ago, Bitcoin mania was at its peak.

Should You Invest Like Harvard?

Many people think the smarter you are and the more sophistication you bring to your portfolio, your performance will be better. This is a big reason that hedge funds continue to attract assets. Well, what if we had a chance to look at the smartest people in the world to see if that theory holds water?

Five Ways To Combat Inflation; An Underrated Risk

One of the most underrated risks for investors today is inflation.  Most likely, that is due to the recency bias all of us tend to exhibit.  The fact that inflation has been tame for the last 30 years leads many to think that this will continue indefinitely.