Financial Planning Insights

June 22nd Market Commentary

It's no secret that the markets are experiencing a challenging year with many wondering if we're nearing a recession. So we asked seasoned members of our Investment Committee, Pat Collins, CFP®, EA, and Greg Hobson, CFP®, AIF®, to speak to those challenges and lend some valuable perspectives based on what they've experienced during their respected careers.

DeFAANGed: A Nightmare on Wall Street

Goliath. Achilles. The bear from The Revenant. Powerful, imposing, and victorious as these legendary figures became, their mighty falls remain infamous…

What is a CFP®? (and Why It’s Important to Work with one)

When searching for a financial advisor, you will likely see a lot of “alphabet soup” following prospective advisors’ names. While all these designations, licenses, and certifications have different education and experience requirements (and some may carry more weight than others), one certification rises above the rest as the standard for financial planning-focused advisors: the CFP®.

Residential Rental Real Estate: Buyer Beware

Many major asset classes have experienced substantial growth over the last several years, resulting in very expensive valuations. This has led some investors to think beyond traditional investments like stocks and bonds and consider investing in single-family residential real estate for its steady cash flow and price appreciation potential. can this be a good use of capital for investors looking to earn higher potential returns?

Five Financial Planning Takeaways from Peloton’s Meteoric Downfall

You can draw comparisons between Peloton’s current challenges and your own financial setbacks. How can you recover strongly in the face of deterrents?  Here are five key financial planning takeaways.

Don’t Let Investing Myths Derail Your Success

For many, investing is a mysterious endeavor that can be comprehended only by experts. But that’s not actually the case; it’s actually not that complicated. But for many, a big obstacle to understanding investing – and to investing effectively – is a swirl of myths.

IRS Extends 2020 Tax Filing Deadline to May 17th

On March 17th, the IRS announced they would be extending the 2020 tax filing deadline for individuals from April 15th to May 17th to accommodate the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 Investment Year in Review Webinar

Greenspring Advisors's 2020 Investment Year in Review webinar takes a look at returns by style and more.

Knowing the Future is Not Enough

In many ways, 2020 was one for the record books. Since we are financial advisors and not social or political pundits, we’re going to focus on what happened in the investment world and what we should take away from this historic year.