Financial Planning Insights

Trust Can Be a Vital Ingredient in a Good Will

As they age, many people naturally begin to focus on their wills. While planning your bequests is always a good idea, people often overlook a crucial option: Instead of using a simple will, use a will with a built-in trust. In many cases, with the guidance of a qualified attorney, a trust can be more effective than a simple will in achieving your estate goals, and provides far more flexibility for changing life circumstances.

MoneyTalks- The Importance of Financial Discussions at Every Stage of Life

From the time we begin to conceptualize how money and finances impact every facet of our lives, we are also faced with the uncomfortable realization that no one likes to talk about money. Issues surrounding finances and money are among the primary catalysts for family arguments, marital problems and divorce, failed business partnerships (no surprise there), and even dissolved friendships. So, why, if we know how important these issues must be to most of us that they result in so many ended relationships, would we not begin to address the root cause of these problems? Poor communication.

How to Decide if Renting or Buying a Home is Right for You

For most people, the best reasons to own a home have little or nothing to do with whether it's a good financial investment. Everyone desires a comfortable place to live and raise their family. Which house you choose, and how you pay for it, is not just an investment. First, it's a lifestyle choice.

3 Questions to Ask When Planning Your Financial Future

Not only do many people not have a financial plan, many of them don't understand what such a plan should involve. One way to deal with this is to engage a qualified financial planner. Whether you take this route or go it alone, a financial plan should be the answer to issues raised by key questions about your future.

Invest Like Norway, Not Yale

David Swenson, the chief investment officer of the Yale endowment fund, has gained notoriety over the past several decades to manage the Yale endowment fund.  In the early 1990s, he decided to place a gigantic chunk of the endowment into alternative assets like real estate, hedge funds, and private equity.  The results were spectacular.

WISE Money – Stubborn Bulls and Stubborn Bears are Both Wrong

Some people—perma‐bulls—are always predicting that the stock market will go up, and others—perma‐bears—are always predicting that it will go down

WISE Money – Wedding To-do List: Give Yourself a Money Checkup

Amid an engagement, it's easy for couples to overlook key financial points that can affect their financial security and their relationship. As couples plan their wedding, it's a good idea to do some foundational financial planning, as well.

WISE MONEY – Do a Reality Check on Your Retirement Finances

Your poor savings habits might stem from ignoring the problem or, when you do think of it, slipping into denial. Well, denial is not just a river in Egypt. If you're fooling yourself about your retirement resources, you're probably rationalizing a lot. If this describes you, you might want to examine your emotions on the subject. Are these emotions lining up to justify your lack of action to save for retirement (or your all-too-active spending habits)? If so, you may be using some of these rationalizations too.

“Fight The Fights That Are Worth Fighting”

Do you work with a financial advisor? If so, is that advisor required to put your interest ahead of his/her own? If you are like 99% of other investors out there, you probably don’t know for sure. The vast majority of advisors are brokers or have the option to operate as a broker, and therefore don’t have to act in their client’s best interest.