Investments Insights

Using Behavioral Finance to Drive Retirement Outcomes, Part 3

Let's start looking at the data around automatic plan features and how pulling these levers can get people on the path to retirement success.

Using Behavioral Finance to Drive Retirement Outcomes, Part 2

In this post, I will present you with compelling research and evidence on the behavioral and psychological barriers to saving and projected retirement income replacement rates.

Using Behavioral Finance to Drive Retirement Outcomes, Part 1

Did you know there are more than 22,000 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and that more than 14,000 women lose their lives to this deadly disease annually?

Are Your Target Date Funds Missing The Mark?

With the passage of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA), target-date funds (TDFs) have exploded in popularity and become the de facto qualified default investment alternative (QDIA) for most plan sponsors.

Emerging Trends in 401(k) and 403(b) Fund Menus

Given the shift in participant mindset and demographics, it’s important for retirement plan committees to re-think the traditional approach to designing plan investment menus.

I’m A Fiduciary – What You Talkin’ About?

AllianceBernstein recently surveyed more than 1,000 executives and asked if they were plan fiduciaries to their corporate plan.  6% didn’t know, and 49% didn’t consider themselves fiduciaries. Here’s the catch – each of the people surveyed were actually fiduciaries when they were surveyed.

Am I Having Enough Withheld?

If you fail to estimate your federal income tax withholding properly, it may cost you in various ways. If you receive an income tax refund, it essentially means that you provided the IRS with an interest-free loan during the year.

The (k)larity Quotient®

Announcing the (k)larity Quotient®, a revolutionary new tool to help companies and retirement plan committees manage their corporate retirement plan.  We are describing it as the retirement industry’s first “fiduciary performance framework.”

What Makes A Good 401k Plan?

What makes a good 401k plan?  Last week I offered my perspective on the challenges I see with President Obama’s myRA retirement plan initiative.